What is so important about morning prayers?
(Apa yang begitu penting tentang doa pagi?)

Prayer in the morning is so important because you meet God before you meet the devil.
(Doa di pagi hari sangat penting karena Anda bertemu Allah sebelum Anda bertemu Iblis.)

You meet God before you meet the circumstances of life.
(Anda bertemu Allah sebelum Anda bertemu dengan keadaan di sekitar hidup Anda.)

You talk to God before you talk to many people.
(Berbicara kepada Allah sebelum Anda berbicara dengan banyak orang.)

You fellowship with God before you fellowship with other people.
(Anda bersekutu dengan Allah sebelum Anda bersekutu dengan orang lain.)

You hear news from Heaven before you receive any breaking news.
(Anda mendengar berita dari Surga sebelum Anda menerima berbagai berita.)

You sit before God before you sit before people.
(Anda duduk di hadapan Allah sebelum Anda duduk di hadapan orang.)

You kneel before God before you kneel down before men.
(Anda berlutut di hadapan Allah sebelum Anda berlutut di hadapan manusia.)

You honour God before you honour people.
(Anda menghormati Allah sebelum Anda menghormati orang.)

You get into His Presence before you get into the presence of people.
(Anda masuk ke hadirat-Nya sebelum Anda masuk ke dalam kumpulan orang.)

You feed your spirit before you feed your body.
(Anda memberi makan roh Anda sebelum Anda memberi makan tubuh Anda.)

You call GOD before you call all other small names.
(Anda memanggil ALLAH sebelum Anda memanggil semua nama lainnya.)

You see GOD before you see yourself in the mirror.
(Anda melihat ALLAH sebelum Anda melihat diri sendiri di cermin.)

You sweep your heart before you sweep your yard!
(Anda membersihkan hati Anda sebelum Anda menyapu halaman Anda.)

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